Playlist soundundvision_135 – 31.07.2023

Hamish Hawk – Once Upon An Acid Glance
Hamish Hawk – Rest And Veneers (feat. Samantha Crain)
Linebug – Sideways
Linebug – If I Had A Camera
Shirley Collins – Lost In A Wood
Shirley Collins – Archangel Hill
Charlotte Brandi – Der Ekel
Charlotte Brandi – Todesangst
Ritual Howls – Barely A Shadow
Ritual Howls – Kneel For Instruction
Lost in Kiev – Squaring the Circle
Lost In Kiev – Solastalgia
Ogives – Black Furrows
WhåZho– Punk A La Maison
Whazho – Pff Jazz I
ALL HANDS_MAKE LIGHT – The Sons And Daughters Of Poor Eternal
Emme – Interrupted Communication
Emme – They See Through My Eyes
Alexandra Stréliski – The First Kiss
Alexandra Stréliski – The Breach
Hildur Gudnadóttir – World Citizen I Won’t Be Disappointed
Harald Grosskopf – Eve On The Hill (Oceanheart Revisited)
Schicke, Führs, Fröhling – Tao
Neuronium – Turo Park
Neuronium – Viento Solar
Swans – Ebbing